Saturday, March 3, 2012

Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood

Find out all of the details of this book here.

What I loved:
  • Sibling love! Cate totally reminded me of myself when it came to her two sisters -though, for me, its one sister that is a hybrid between Maura and Tess.
  • Cate (the protagonist) doesn't simply care about getting the guy (or guys). She's got her own mind and priorities and boys aren't at the top of the list 
  • BOYS! Though they aren't at the top of the list, they're definitely on the list. (Team Finn, anyone?)
  • The setting- New England in the late 1800's? Yes, please. It's a world that Spotswood definitely nails. I can totally see myself going to formal teas in my corseted dress alongside the Cahill sisters. 
  • LOTS of characters that you're still trying to figure out at the end of the book - there's still a lot to be uncovered. So, there's a ton of potential for book 2. 
What I didn't love:
  • While Spotswood certainly surprised me at parts, a lot of the big discoveries in the book I had guessed well-ahead of time
  • The relationship between Paul and Cate was developed very clearly, but with Finn (though, I am a total Finn fan) it really wasn't. Insta-love? A little bit.
  • Book 2 isn't out for at least another year! 
There was very little I didn't like about this book. It took me a little while to get into it -as it typically does when I am coming straight out of another book I absolutely loved (Daughter of Smoke and Bone <3 <3 ) -but once I did I couldn't set it down. It was definitely one of those carry-it-around-with-you-in-the-off-chance-you-get-a-spare-second-to-read-at-work-or-on-lunch books. I'd give it a 4.5/5. Excellent debut with a killer cliffhanger that I will be slowly dying over until book 2 hits.


  1. I've heard good things about this book! Definitely on my TBR list! :)

  2. I love historical fiction fantasy, even though I'm a little disapoointed at the mention of instalove. Great review, though!

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